
Trade bodies call on Government to extend business rates holliday

Businesses face ‘rocky road to recovery’

By Finn Scott-Delany

Hospitality trade bodies UKH, BBPA and BII have called for Government to extend the business rates holiday for at least a further three months to allow businesses to get back on their feet.

training in pubs

Training for consistency: pubs

By Emma Eversham

As is the case with restaurants and hotels, the pub sector is made up of a range of varying sizes of business, from the individually-owned freehold pub employing a handful of staff members, to the multi-site operator with thousands of recruits. 

Free BII membership for new Admiral Taverns licensees

Free BII membership for new Admiral Taverns licensees

By Peter Ruddick

New Admiral Taverns licensees will have a membership of the British Insitiute of Innkeeping (BII) for the lifetime of their agreement funded by the Chester-based pubco, following a similar announcement from Fuller's last year.